Terms And Condition

Whenever you are required to enter a website on the internet you need to check on a certain checkbox with a caption " I agree with the terms and conditions of this website and I abide with them." It is mandatory for the user to check on this checkbox otherwise you will not have access to this site. This means that the content is matter of exclusive property of the website and you have no right to modify or change its content otherwise you will be caught of doing unlawful practices on this website.

If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this website then it is advised to stop using this site else if you proceed then it means that you agree with the conditions. Under these conditions you do not have the access to the information provided by the website owners and have no right either to change or modify the content. The website owners have the right to change or modify its content and conditions anytime without notice to the surfers. The company web point can be used for assistance for getting these conditions accurate. Going against the terms is prohibited and can be termed as unlawful.